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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > RACE_Reagent_kit > Biomol/琼脂糖高凝胶强度(脉冲场)/1 kg/A1030.1
商品详细Biomol/琼脂糖高凝胶强度(脉冲场)/1 kg/A1030.1
Biomol/琼脂糖高凝胶强度(脉冲场)/1 kg/A1030.1
Biomol/琼脂糖高凝胶强度(脉冲场)/1 kg/A1030.1
商品编号: A1030.1
品牌: Biomol
市场价: ¥15680.00
美元价: 7840.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RACE试剂盒
公司分类: RACE_Reagent_kit
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Product information "Agarose High Gel Strength (Pulsed Field)"
High Gel Strength Agarose Combines very high gel strength with low EEO and is a good choice for high speed, high temperature pulsed field gel electrophoresis applications. Applications:  Pulsed Field Electrophoresis,  Immunoelectrophoresis,  Blotting Assays (Southern, northern),  Analytical DNA Gels > 1000bp,  Preparative Electrophoresis,  For use with all buffer systems, Recommended Usage (1X TAE): Concentration Molecular Weight, 0.4-2.0% 50-500kb, pH (1.5%, Gel): As Reported, EEO: <0.135,>Loss on Drying: <7.0%,>Melting Point (1.5%): 86-90°C, Gel Point (1.5%): 34.5-37.5°C, Gel Strength (1.5%): >3000g/cm2, Sulfate: <0.10%,>Ash: <0.25%,>Clarity: <40 ntu,="">RNase: None Detected, DNase: None Detected, Quality Control: Genetic tested for a wide array of molecular biology procedures ensuring high recovery of biologically active DNA, high cloning efficiency and consistent reproducibility. Functional and Molecular Biology Testing: To Pass Test  Comparative assay of different size DNA fragments  Southern Blot (125-23,000bp),  Background Fluorescence (TAE/TE, EtBr): ,  DNA Binding (TAE, EtBr) ,  Restriction Ligation Assay (Bam HI, Hinc II, EcoR I, Hind III, Pst I, and T4 DNA Ligase), Storage and Stability: Store powdered agarose at RT. Opened bottles should be capped tightly and kept in a low humidity environment. For greater separation capacity, keep the gel at 4°C for 1 hour before use.
Supplier: United States Biological
Supplier-Nr: A1030


Application: Dot Blot
Format: Molecular Biology Grade

Database Information

CAS : 9012-36-6| Find alternatives

Handling & Safety

Storage: +20°C
Shipping: +20°C (International: +20°C)
Caution Our products are for laboratory research use only: Not for administration to humans!
抗体在Biomol,您将找到适合您的研究的正确的多克隆或单克隆抗体。选择偶联(标记)的一抗(例如,FITC和生物素)用于抗原的直接免疫检测,或一抗加上二抗用于间接抗原检测。免疫球蛋白G类(IgG)的抗体主要用于免疫学检测。它们由四个蛋白质链组成:两条分子量为25 kDa的轻链(L)和两条分子量分别为50 kDa的重链(H)。由二硫键连接的重链和轻链(H + L)一起形成了众所周知的抗体结构。对于某些实验,这些免疫球蛋白的酶消化产生具有优势性质的抗体片段。